This page is an attempt at creating a very compact, yet usable link collection. The reason I put my links on the web, is to have them accessible from everywhere, unlike a browsers bookmarks, which are accessible only on a specific computer.
This page is an attempt at creating a very compact, yet usable link collection. The reason I put my links on the web, is to have them accessible from everywhere, unlike a browsers bookmarks, which are accessible only on a specific computer.
Topical: Notebook review, I need a new laptop to replace my old Inspiron 8500. I should have again a WUXGA screen (LED backlit?) incorporate as much of newest technology as possible - Santa Rosa, 802.11n, bluray/HDDVD, solid state drive, ExpressCard -, so I can keep it for several years and possibly have a built-in webcam, a three button touchpad, come with Linux or no OS preinstalled and be fully supported by a recent Linux kernel, run for many hours on battery (evtl. 8-9 hours with bay/extended battery) yet be lightweight and look good. These are possible candidates up to now: Dell Inspiron 1520, Latitude D830 and Precision M4300, HP Compaq 8510w, Lenovo T61p and Fujitsu Celsius H250, though none of them seems yet "the one I'm looking for".
My Daily News:
ETH Life,
Heise Newsticker,
Linux Devices,
and a daily click to
free rice,
the hunger site,
maybe also
Debian Administration,
New: My Java search @google, freesound, FreeOsZoo found through Debian Administration QEMU article,
Comics: Sherman's Lagoon, Joy of Tech, Personal Comics: Adam@home, Baldo (spanish), Doonesbury, Foxtrot, Non Sequitur, Stone Soup,, Creators Comic: B.C., Liberty Meadows, and their editorial cartoons, United Media: Betty, Dilbert, Grand Avenue, Nancy, Peanuts, and their editorial cartoons, Clay Bennett, Swiss: Burki, Chapatte,
Translations: Babelfish, Promt (mirror), Dictionaries: EURODICAUTOM translate from/to 11 european languages, link to word and text translators, Foreign languages for travelers, Lebensmittellexikon, Terminology Collection, The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, Merriam-Webster, Online tranlation metapage, travlang's Translating Dictionaries, Wahrig, Webster the rosetta edition supports 90 languages!!!,
Enciclopaedias: de:, en: Britannica, it: Piazzadante
Search: Google: Answers, Catalogs, Images, News, Sets, Usenet, Web: All the web, Ixquick, Teoma, Search-it-all, Vivísimo, WebCrawler, WWW Virtual Library, ch: Bluewindow, Swiss search, de: Metager, FTP: FileWatcher, Code: codefetch, koders, krugle, Internet: Domain/IP search, Multimedia: Lycos, Singingfish Altavista: audio, images, video, All the web: images, mp3, video, Other: MIDIs, Sounds, News: List of USENET FAQs, NNTP server, Research: Unified Computer Science TR Index, Swiss Education and Research Sites Map, Software: freshmeat, freshrpms, RPMfind, RPM, Unix man pages, Virus: CA, F-Secure, McAfee, Sophos, Symantec, Others: The Archive the Web Time Machine, Autopilot, Chip Directory, Homepage search, Information search hints, Italian stations, Live Radios/TV worldwide, patent search, NEBIS ETH and several swiss universities library search, PGP Public Key Server, Search engine watch, Smokefree restaurants in Switzerland, Swiss Phone Book, Telephone Directories on the Web, USA Phone Book, Wohin heute? World Wide Internet TV,
SW Archives HP-UX Software Porting And Archive Centre, NetBSD, switch mirror, Walnut Creek CDROM Software Archive, Washington University Archive
"Software" Bruce Guenter's Software, DJBDNS support, FreeRails, Gimp User Group, List of font sites, svscan as process 1, Window managers for X,
Real Video:
Nasa TV(80)
Close Captioned(150),
KSC Weather Feed(220),
KSC Processing(20),
KSC Processing(20),
Real Audio:
RAI Isoradio(16),
RAI Parlamento(16),
RAI Auditorium(16),
[RSI 1,
[RSR 1,
Eurodancehits video clips,
Exploratorium webcast archive,
Google Video,,,
Oxford Internet Insitute webcast,
Short TV,
Star Trek New Voyages,
Star Wreck,
United Visions,
You Tube,
Companies: Advanced RISC Machines, Cablecom my local cable tv provider and their internet acces, Dell (support), Microchip Technology (ex General Instruments), MIPS, National Semiconductor, Texas Instruments, Transtec, Zilog
Computers 8-bit Nirwana about old 8-bit home computers, Aminet Amiga software archive, Apple ][ FAQ, Bolo's Computermuseum, Compukit UK101 Home Page (The Compukit is a clone of the Ohio Scientific (OSI) Superboard II), Compukit UK101, Computingmuseum, Machine room old computer database, MO5 french site dedicated to old computers and videogames. (Acc 8000, Dulmont Magnunm), Pen Computing bibliography,
Finances Bigcharts, Clearstation TA discussion community, EDGAR Online SEC filings database, Investment FAQ, The Motley Fool, National Association of Securities Dealers, OANDA currency converter, Stockselector, StockMarketYellowPages, Swissquote, UBS quote page, Yahoo, Broker: Ameritrade, Swissquote,
FreeBSD: CVS, Daemon News monthly, on Dell I8500, Errata for 5.0, FreeBSD Diary, freshports, Handbook, on Laptops, LiveCD, LiveCD (2), OpenOffice package, Packages search,
Fun: AOLiza, Funny RFCs, Live Cameras, Monitor icepicks house activities, Nutworks an ezine I read in the 80s on EARN, Radiopannen,
Internet Assigned numbers, DNS stuff, DNS test tool, Free IPv6 connectivity, IANA, Internet Domain Survey, IPng, RFCs, RFCs at SunSITE CH, STDs at SunSITE CH, traceroute server, W3 Consortium, Valid DOCTYPE, HTML 4.0, A standard for ROBOT exclusion, RSS validator, XHTML validator,
Java: 6 API, 1.5.0 API, 1.4.2 API, J2ME vs J2SE, Java boutique, Developers Almanach usage tips for a lot of classes, Developer Connection, documentation, Eclipse Help, Google Directories, language specification, Jaagle class repository, Java 7, Jar finder, FreewareJava, Gamelan, GNU and Java, javatoo Look & Feels for swing, JVM options, JVM 6 options Links to Layout Manager Classes, Servlet Specs, Sources, tutorial by Sun, Web Developer Java page, Classes: Ant make, Axis SOAP implementation, Bounycastle crypto API, Calendars, db4o Object database, Flying Saucer XHTML renderer, HTML Parser, iText PDF library, Jakarta Commons, Java 3D, Jetty servlet engine (API), JME Physics, jmonkeyengine game engine, Java Native Access (JNA), Joda Time Date and Calender replacement, JoeMirror syncs webserver with local directory, JOAL OpenAL JOGL OpenGL Jtu POSIX/SUS UNIX APIx, JUnit, JXTA, PostgreSQL JDBC driver, Quicktime API (reference), rsync in Java, Spin for non-freezing Swing applications, SSH2 by Trilead, Telnet plugins support MUD and SSH, WeirdX X server, Xerces XML parsing (API), J2ME Wireless Toolkit
Linux: Debian: Anwenderhandbuch, Reference, Securing Debian, Gentoo packages:, RPMs for Fedora: FreshRPMS, Planet CCRMA audio/music RPMs, Recent changes at, Kernel Sources, international patch, patch browser, source browser, Others: Advanced Routing & Traffic Control, ALSA Dmix plugin, CD Bootable and Runnable Linux Systems, CJK support in SuSe, Documentation Project (with HOWTOs), DVD auhoring, Fabulous fonts, IPSec Howto, on Laptops, Multilingual, Multimedia, Music tools, usable Printers, rpmfind, from Scratch, Sound, Touchscreen Laptops, User mode Linux,
Mac (OS X) Downloads, Magical key sequences,, Timeline of Mac HW/SW, Top 10 Tips for Unix Geeks,
Mail eliminate-dups for qmail, FreeBSD Mail Toaster, qmail SPF patch, Postal benchmark, Postfix vs qmail, qmail-scanner, SpamAssasin (with qmail),
Motorola A780 Harald Welte's blog, Linux-Howto, motodev, motorolafans, OpenEZX,,
Music The Midi Archive, The Midi FTP Archive,, ToutPourLaMusique,,
PERL CPAN Multiplexer, Perl man pages, Modules: Audio::DSP, CGI, Finance::YahooQuote, GD
Personal pages Alex Wilansky, Bernhard von Gunten, Clemens Alden Szyperski, Dan J. Bernstein, Emanuel Haupt, Ernst Heinz, Fridtjof Siebert, Jörg Straube, Kai Bolay, Levente Dobszay, Marc Vogt, Markus Fromherz, Markus Kuhn, Martin Odersky, Mike Immer, Tanz-Atelier Milena Nieder, Paul Lukowicz, Paul Jarc, Peter Fischer, Peter Fröhlich, Petr Smely, Ralf Degner, Ralph Schmidt's company page, René Degen, Rolf Sommerhalder, Stefan H.-M. Ludwig, Simon Poole, Thorsten von Eicken, Urs Moser,
Security: Bugtraq list, CERT, incidents list, Security tracker,
Travel Directions and Maps in Europe, Switzerland (another) and World, Distance between cities, Maps of german cities, Maps of Switzerland, Timetables: Ferrovie dello Stato on-line, Internet Travel Network, SBB CFF FFS Fahrplanauskunft, VBZ, ZVV Fahrplan Flights: Ebookers, STA Travel, Skyscanner, Travelocity, Hotels: Hotelclub, HRS, Weather: Radar ETHZ, Temperaturen CH, Wettervorhersage Region Zürich-Flughafen der Meteomedia, Wettervorhersage der Meteoschweiz, Now nice and warm, Weatherbase, World climate, China: Audio Tutorial of Survival Chinese, Chinese lessons, Conversational Mandarin Chinese Online, Learning Chinese, Learning Chinese Online, Travel and Hotel Guide other: CIA world factbook, Corruption perception index, Environmental Peformance Index, Human Development Indicators (Data), Länder-/Reiseinfo des Auswärtigen Amtes, Press freedom index, Quality of life index, Viaggiare sicuri,
Technology: 1384: 1394 trade association, 802.11: Apple Airport 128bit upgrade, Apple Airport resources e.g. how to repair, Community Wireless, IrDA: Infrared Data Association (IrDA), PC: form factors mechanical & electrical specs, IA 32 manuals, Keyboard scancodes, Intel Processor capabilities Sandpile, Smartcards, PCCard:, USB: USB implementers forum, Others BANalyzer This page show you how the data units of different protocols look like. You find not only TCP/IP protocols, but also Netware, OSI etc, Cable/Connector/Interface information, ELF, X11,
Universities/Publications: Colorado Free University, E-Collection ETH Distance Education, educETH, e-punto, ETH Zürich, ETHZ Bibliothek, ETHZ Calendar of Events, ETHZ Computer Science, ETHZ-CS Oberon ( mailing list), ETHZ Libraries Collection ETHZ Open Class Massive Free Education List, MIT OpenCourseWare, Research Paper Archive, Swiss Universities, UniZH, Informatik, Züich University and ETH Research reports
Unix comp.unix.programmer resources page, csh programming and NFS considered harmful,
Videogame Game Over exhibition in Zurich, MAME emulator, Rec.Games.Design FAQ, Rec.Games.Video FAQ
Other 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall programmed in different programming languages, allrecipes, Cluetrain Manifesto, Consolato Generale d'Italia - Zurigo, Digitalkamera DB, European Union, FreeBSD Assembly Tutorial, Geek code, How stuff works, IPsec Linux/OpenBSD, Journaling Versus Soft Update, LEGO(R) Instruction and Catalog scans, Linux Assembly, Map collection, Matchbox, Nutrient Database, OpenGL Tutorial, Open Slate Project, Powers of 10, Praxis Dr. D. Ambauen, Open Content Lizenzen, SBB history, SETI@Home, Smithsonian The chipcollection, Standard Date and Time Notation (ISO 8601), Standard Paper Sizes, Stiftung Warentest, List of Swiss hotspots, List of Swiss internet provider, TechCalendar, Testberichte, Unicode (charts), The World Clock, Video Tips, 40 most common X programming errors, Xlib to X protocol mapping, Xlib tutorial, Zaubertricks entschlüsselt